Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 10, 2013

TRanslation 4

-         Translation English-Vietnamese of Steve jobs written by accos
-         Translation English-Vietnamese of accidental billionairs, Marc Zuckerberg Facebook.
-         Translation English-Vietnamese of Steve jobs, think different.
Concept, philosophy, background:Apple's CEO Steve Jobs ordered the creation of a campaign that reflected the philosophy he thought had to be reinforced within the company he once co-founded, but which was struggling at the time he came back.
There were at least 29 different Think Different posters created. The sets were as follows[citation needed]:
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5 (The Directors set, never officially released)
In addition, around the year 2000, Apple produced the ten, 11x17 poster set often referred to as "The Educators Set", which was distributed through their Education Channels. Apple sent out boxes (the cover of which is a copy of the 'Crazy Ones' original TD poster) that each contained 3 packs (sealed in plastic) of 10 small/miniature Think Different posters.
Educator Set
People learn their jobs by doing their jobs.
The 70 percent: learning from experience. People learn by doing. 
The 20 percent: learning through others. Learning is social. 
Formal learning includes courses, workshops, seminars, online learning and certification training.
The 70-20-10 model depends on L&D teaming up with managers to improve learning across the company.
-         Translation English-Vietnamese of Vietnews, the publication of Thanh nien,Young newspaper.
-         Translation English-Vietnamese of Vietnam investment review.
-         Translation English-Vietnamese of The economist.
-         Translation English-Vietnamese of Vietnam heritage magazine.
-         Translation French-Vietnamese of Reporters without borders-reporters sans frontieres.
-         Translation Vietnamese-English of John goes to find Hung-written by Trần Hùng John.
-         Translation Vietnamese-English of  VOA tieng viet
-         Translation Vietnamese-English Người Viet online
-         Translation Vietnamese-English Phố Bolsa-Bolsa town.
-         Translation English-Vietnamese of Izmir brochure-Turkey
-         Translation English –Vietnamese of Intelligent energy magazine-Vietnam 9-2013-of Schneider electric
-         Translation English-Vietnamese of Hatay brochure-Turkey
-         Translation English-Vietnamese of Tarsus brochure-Turkey
-         Translation English-Vietnamese of Top Grad school-guide 2013-world grad school tour QS- The essential guide to your Masters and PhD studies:
Getting the numbers right.
Graduate employers: what they looking for?
The importance of interships.
Dreams do come true: meet 2012’s world grad school tour scholarship winners.
Admissions advice.
Choosing a Masters degree:vocational or traditional?
To PhD or not to PhD: that is the question.
The language of instruction:the rise in English language education offers new opportunities for international graduate students, writes Tim Rogers.
The best of the best: Danny looks at what the 2012 QS world university rankings by subject reveal about the best universities around the world.
The world’s top ten student cities.
Going Mediterrannean: studying in Greece.
Admissions tests at a glance: if you are thinking of studying at graduate level-particularly a Masters degree-you may be required to pass one or more standard admissions tests.These aim to ensure you are ready for the rigours of advanced study, particularly if you are studying abroad.
Masters or MBA? Which course should I take?
3continent master of global management:united states,australia,United Kingdom, Canada,Singapore and Malaysia,The Netherlands,France,Switzerland,Germany,Spain.
Subject guides: :Law,Business,Engineering,Accounting,Biology,History,Computer science,Economics,Maths,Media and communication studies.
Institution profiles: Australia,Austria,Belgium,France,Hongkobng,Italy,Netherlands, New zealand,Switzerland,United Kingdom,United sates: Australian National University,Monash University,The University of Adelaide, University of Melbourne,University of Queensland, University of Sydney,the University of Western Australia,Vienna University of Economics and Business,Antwerp Management school, Audencia Nantes school of management,EDHEC business school, EPITA graduate school of computer science,EmLYON business school, ESCP europe,ESSEC business school, HEC Paris,Paris Tech, City University of Hongkong,Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi,University of Trento,Duisenberg school of finance(and Law) Amsterdam, The Netherlands,The University of Auckland,University of Geneva,University of St.Gallen,Imperial College London,Imperial College Business school,King’s College London, Leeds Metropolitan University,London Business school, London school of economics and political science,Queen Mary, University of London, University College London, University of Kent, The University of Reading, St Andrews, Fordham University,Hult international business school.
-         Translation of Istanbul brochure-Turkey
-         Translation of Kusadasi brochure-Turkey.

Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 10, 2013

REcorded music list A,NIcolas,Mark

Recorded music list A
-         Buoi sang nha em-composed music-zither
-         Con duyen-Nguoi oi nguoi o dung ve-pypa-hon vong phu-monocord
-         Dem qua tat nuoc dau dinh-monocord
-         Ly ngua o-monocord
-         Nua dem tinh giac-composed music-zither
-         Thuong ve xu Hue-compopsed music-zither
-         Toc gio thoi bay-pypa
-         zithervn, composed music
-         Canh hong Trung Quoc-monocord
-         Da co hoai lang-monocord
-         Hop bao chim hoa mi-composed music0violin
-         Ngu ngon nhe con oi-monocord
-         Soi nho soi thuong-monocord
-         Tinh cay va dat-pypa
-         Trang sang san nha em-composed music-zither
-         Chim sao ngay xua-hon vong phu-monocord
-         Danh thuc tri an-composed music-zither
-         Loi cu ta ve-violin.
-         North Vietnam popular music-2stringed violin
-         Thuong qua Vietnam-monocord
-         Tinh em-violin
-         Tren que huong quan ho-monocord

Recorded music list NIcolas
-         A,D principal notes-zither
-         B,E principal notes-2 stringed violin
-         Chiec ao ba ba-monocord
-         E,G principal notes-zither
-         Hue Thuong-pypa
-         Music composed with principal notes of G,G,E,D
-         Ngu ngon nhe con oi-monocord
-         Thuyen hoa-monocord
-         Ab,Eb principal notes-zither
-         C,E principal notes-chinese music-thinking back
-         Db,Eb principal notes-2stringed violin
-         Em di tren co non-monocord
-         Ly con sao Go cong-monocord
-         Music composed with principal notes of C,G,D
-         Nguoi xa xu-composed music-monocord
-         Traditional music-sorrow of south vietnam-zither
-         Ab,F# principal notes-2 stringed violin
-         C,F principal notes-2 stringed violin
-         E principal notes-2stringed violin
-         Fantasy of the song if you don’t come back in spring, mother s
-         Ly ngua o-monocord
-         Music composed with the principal notes of D,A,F
-         North vietnam popular music of quan ho-violin
-         Tren que huong quan ho-monocord

Recorded music list of Mark
-         A,Bb principal notes-monocord
-         C,Bb principal notes-monocord
-         C,G principal notes-cythare
-         Db,F principal notes-monocord
-         E principal notes-cythare
-         F#,A principal notes-monocord
-         G principal notes-cythare
-         Music composed with the principal notes of F,D,G
-         C principal notes-2 cordes violin
-         C,E principal notes-monocord
-         Center vietnam popular music-monocord
-         D,G principal notes-2 cordes violin
-         E principal notes-monocord
-         F,C principal notes-2 stringed violin
-         Music composed with principal notes of B,D,E,F
-         Music de Pham Tuyen-monocord
-         C,A principal notes-2 cordes violin
-         C,F principal notes-monocord
-         Chanson des oiseaux-2 cordes violin
-         Dalat-music de printemps-cythare
-         F principal note-monocord
-         F,D principal notes –monocord
-         Music composed with principal notes of F,D
-         Music de printemps-cythare

Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 10, 2013

recorded music list6

-         Anh đưa em về- i go back with you-pypa
-         Anh đưa em về-I go back with you 2-zither
-         Anh học trò lười-lazy pupil –violin
-         Anh muốn yêu em dài lâu-I likve to love you long-zither
-         Bài 20-lesson 20-zither
-         Bên em đang có ta-I am, we are next to you
-         Biển ra xa và sóng rì rào-far sea and calm waves-zither
-         Bóng trăng tròn-round moon shadow-violin
-         Câu hát bông sen-lotus song-pypa
-         Cầu vồng khuyết-incomplete rainbow-pypa
-         Chiều matxcova-matxcova afternoon-zither
-         Chiều phủ tây hồ-afternoon on west lake-zither
-         Chiều quân điệp khúc-gathering soldiers-pypa
-         Chờ người-waiting  for you-violin
-         Cô gái saigo2n đi tải đạn-saigonese girls bring bomb-zither
-         Có phải em là mùa thu-is it the autumn-pypa
-         Cơn hứa xuân sẽ về-I swear to be back on spring –zither
-         Con sáo –bird-zither
-         Dân ca-popular music-zither
-         Đáng-the party-violin
-         Đêm giao thừa-new year eve-pypa
-         Động hoa vàng-yellow flower mountain-pypa
-         Đồng tiền-money-pypa
-         Gái xuân-spring girl-violin
-         Giấc mơ tình yêu-dream of love-violin
-         Hà nội đêm trở gió-hà nội on the night of wind-violin
-         Hà nội mùa vắng những cơn mưa-hà nội in the no rain season-pypa
-         Hàng xóm-neighbor-zither
-         Hãy yêu như yêu lần đầu-love as first love-pypa
-         Hero-Người anh hùng-zither
-         Hồ quảng-chinese music 7-pypa
-         Hương ngọc lan-orchid’s parfum-zither
-         Hương tóc mạ non-young rice parfum-zither
-         I swear-zither
-         Karachanti-nhạc indonesia-indonesia music-violin
-         Kaxkusa-violin
-         Kho cô đơn em gọi tên anh-white alone, I call your name-korean music-pypa
-         Kiếp này xin lam người hát rong-this life of being the begger singer-pypa
-         Lễ xuân đầu năm-going to the church, pagoda in the new year-violin
-         Mèo hoang-abandoned cat-violin
-         Miền nam nhớ mãi tên người-south vietnam rember the name-zither
-         Mới yêu nhau-just loving-zither
-         Mùa đông về trên thành phố-winter came to the city-zither
-         Mưa ngâu-long rain-zither
-         Mưa trên biển vắng-rain on the calm sea-pypa
-         Mùa xuân nho nhỏ-little spring-violin
-         Nắng saion-saigon sunlight-pypa
-         Nếu biết trước-if I could know-zither
-         Ngậm ngùi-regret-violin
-         Nha trang mùa thu-nha trang in the autumn-pypa
-         Nhạc Ấn độ-indian music-zither
-         Nhạc cải lương-south vietnam traditional music-pypa
-         NHạc cải lương-south vietnam traditional music-zither
-         NHạc Chăm-champa music-pypa
-         NHạc hoa-chinese music-violin
-         NHạc nhẹ-pop music-pypa
-         Nhạc nhẹ-pop music-violin
-         NHạc nhẹ-pop music 3-pypa
-         NHạc nhẹ-pop music 4-violin
-         Nhạc Tây-pop music-pypa
-         NHạc Tây-pop music-zither
-         Nối lại tình xưa-love again-violin
-         Nước cuốn hoa trôi-water run bringing the flower-violin
-         Phố đêm-the town at night
-         Qua cầu gió bay-while passing the bridge there is wind
-         Que sera sera-what will be will be
-         Quynh hương-flower parfum
-         Rong rêu-alga –pypa
-         Ru con mùa đông-song to sleep in the winter
-         Ru ta ngậm ngùi-self sad lullaby
-         Saigon-pypa
-         Seasons in the sun-violin
-         Sha la la
-         Sơn nữ ca-song about the mountainous young girl
-         Sóng biển rì rào-sea wave’s sounds
-         Suối mơ-dreaming water stream
-         Tề thiên đại thánh-chinese music 6
-         Thà làm hạt mưa bay-wishing to be the flying rain
-         Thanh niên vì ngày mai-youngs, for the future
-         The end of the workd-tận thế
-         The rhythm of the rain-nhịp điệu mưa rơi
-         Thoáng thấy nụ hồng, bỗng gọi tên anh-just see a rose, I call your name
-         Thôi anh hãy về-no, go please
-         Thuở ban đầu-the first moments
-         Thương về xứ Hue-loving Huế-violin
-         Tiếng chuông-the bell
-         Tiếng sáo thiên thai-flute sounds on the paradise-violin
-         Tiếng thu-autumn sound by xuân diệu poem
-         Tiếng thu-autumn sound
-         Tình cờ-eventual
-         Tình khúc-love song
-         Tình yêu cho em-love for you
-         Tôi yêu-I love
-         Trái tim không ngủ yên-the heart don’t sleep
-         Trăm thứ bạc-hundred of dislove-violin
-         Trăng về thôn dã-moon came to the village-pypa
-         Trở về mái trường xưa-back to the old school-violin
-         Trồng cây lại nhớ đến người-planting and remembering to the past
-         Tưởng rằng đã quên-thought that love is gone
-         Unchained melody
-         Uyên ương hồ điệp-chinese music
-         Và con tim đã vui trở lại-and my heart is happy again
-         Vắng anh trên đời-you are not anymore on my life-zither
-         Vầng trăng cổ tích-the moon in the very old story
-         Vào hạ-summer came
-         Về đây nhe em-come back here
-         Về quê-going back home
-         Về với anh-back to me
-         Vì đường xa ướt mưa-because of far way under the rain-violin
-         Vườn yêu-love garden
-         We wish you a merry christmas
-         Without you
-         Xa em kỷ niệm-souvenirs of being away from you
-         Xe đạp ơi-hi bicycle-violin
-         Xin anh-please-zither
-         Xuân xuân ơi xuân đã về-spring came back
-         Yellow bird-pypa
-         Yesterday once more
-         Yesterday
-         Yêu 5 mùa-love in 4 seasons