Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 6, 2014

translation 7

Translation 7:
-Translation of IBM Biz & Tech insights 2014:softlayer.
gain greater flexibility and control over cloud:the new infrastructure,high performance computing, IBM platform computing with softlayer, empowering your business:through private Saas, improving ranking, engine searching by cloud.Indonesia, Thailand,Vietnam,Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine speakers.
West market,management inquirement is faster.
grown in machine is available today, performance of CPU,option available powerful services.not changed.perform increased for years.cluster.opposition.power system.story media.high perform.scalability.account service.GPu virtualisation.
DEusing per server, per GPU.DCV open Global.results.Last 5 more CAD(catia,UG,siemens PLM).16 core server pulse.
MOre powerful.foot print with major expansion plan.100000 servers.21000 customers.2000000 active domains.$1.2B cloud foot print.
1Pv4/1Pv6 dual stack.DDOS utilisation.
SOC 2types II report for all data center A ICPA.
SOC.Pedran Fismc moderate compliance.Certification demonstrates that strategic IBM investments increase.
40 data center investment.15 new centers worldwide.Aspera to move data around the globe.Packful,file transfer.80 tracts.
mobile technology.access with softlayer.upfront capex to Opex.Reduced TCO.CAGR 23.5%, software as a service increased.
Asian Saas markets, 2011,2012.north america 7.8    9.1.
Benifits of private Saas.
Better control.DEcrease TCO.
SEcurity enhancements.
Simplifies through UPN, 2FA.
Tokens.INtegration do directory SSO.
Cost benefit analysis.Identity management +SSO.Back up, DR services.Application, software migration.Exemple, practice management system for accounting firms.
ABC option access.DEcrease softlayer.
Singapor, HOngkong network, no in China.Back up high solution server.Government is considering.
ERP SAAS provide customised requirement.
Speakers:Low Chin Chau, Terry Fisher, cloud from Singapore.
Software softlayer: website:1 month free.
Broadcast, real logging, opportunity to use frequencily.
key highlight.
2005-2006, thousand hundred servers, charge for...
softlayer is different from amazon:delicated services, build hybrid, run the most environment, respect full utilisation, provided email, password, scale solution, virtualisation.
contract non credit card, invoice.softlayer model, computer prepayment, paypal,crdit card.
cloud configuration after 1 week.
build server.what to care if i subscribe:traffic, server,security, run privide data, public,singapore, cost of no cost, security, management devices.
geolocation, support, application sub cable, unvailabe, unbelieving.
IBM prevent, employee.Service virtualisation,customer, cable.
account more domain flash.1 hosting, mounting, it is possible.
private VDOS if using this cloud service.number services, recognised, coming resist based on grow management. up to date, most taking. customer supply with supervision.
Cloud support data standard number, storage solution.
Cloud support big data.Middle application, large data base, local storage.
Limiting IP event, access data cloud, software environment, public size, private size, network, connected supervision, IP based access.

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