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For the
combat against the copy and distribution of digital music, illegal producers
of discs associated to anticopy logiciel files. These files limit at the same
time the using of music, including anyones who are legally attached. Anh
technics imaginary for remeditate to this problem are criticized, menace the
individual liberty.The solution don’t come from technology but adaptation of
author law and digital.
Logiciel Fail.
The anticopy
protections installed on the musical works online are failed: they are not
against to telechargement pirates, make disappointing legal users. The
solution don’t come to technology.
Charles Cuvelliez
in the polytechnic university
of Bruxelles and in
ingineer in a European group of telecommunication.
Cecile Michaut
journalist scientific
Industry of
disc don’t turn so roundly. Clients boudent albums on CD, legal
telecharges are still famelic and certain artistes explore new mode of
distribution in their music. One number of affair in low 45% in 5 years as
representatives of disc house. For them, illegal telecharge and unique
responsabilitary of this situation and the unique solutions are the
protection anticopy of disc and repression of the illegal telecharge. So, one
American tribune condemned one simple citoyen 220000euros of amendation for
setting in disposition freely on its web music pieces. Certainly, therefore,
beginning to evolate. Universal music so come up the protection anticopy on
one party of the telechargeable catalog.
Anh then, if
time of internet, it must all simply make off dusty the author right? There
is still one fifteen of years very simple. One disc is one physical object,
and while buying it, people has the authority to listen to it privately
without limites. Certainly, “piratage existe then: ones copy one disc on
cassette for the friends, ones register songs on radio.
For changes,
disc industry invented musical disc, and called digital right management(DRM)
(4 periods for one disc). But these discs are very bad seen by users coming
legally one music on internet, because the impose strict limitations. Certain
pieces then are not used on another reader MP3 or on other computer because
it is used for buying piece of music. The copy with private title authorized
for exemple for having a double version of music, one at home, other in the
car, impossible. Then these discs limite more user of music at this analogic
era when the copy with private title is tolerated.
In front of
these restrictions, numerous consomators and artistes renacle. The success of
webs for sales of music online have less weakness than protected
works.Another side, big name of music tried by new mode of distribution. Then
the group of British rock Radiohead put on hand their last album on the web:
price, can also avoid, determined freely by one telecharging it. Surely,
these discs are attacked, always with success. Orsurrounding: certain pirates
recorded simply the music legally for rediffusing without frein.
Certainly, this passage by a analogic signal (ones recorded the sound) for
the numerate making lost of sound quality, but it exist nowadays programmes
with the contents of piece played before even it don’t come on the sound card
of computer. Then there is not digital conversion, then lost of quality.
Group of
Radiohead pop rock takes part on pioneer of new means of distribution of
musical production. Independent from internation of disc, Radiohead choosed,
for the illegal telecharging, to let buyers fixing the buying price for their
last album, issued in 2007.
It exists in
Japon origamis animator, loving ply and reply airplain by paper. She asked
scientifiques of university
of Tokyo to study
faisability to launch, from the special international station, 100 airplains
by papercan(with really a lot of chance) finish their course by take on
earth. About the tests, airplains by paper, resisting to the hotness, 7
centimeters long and 5 centimeters large, showed capable to resist to the
winds of 8500 kilometers per hour and temperatures of 200oC. Still convincing
NASA making fyling airplains by paper can constitute one saint and useful
distraction for astronauts.
outside the clouds
One corner
very frequent in the heart of Liverpool.
Winter is glacial but male walkers pass outside the clouds… For a little one
lady observe them(or at least believe that). Stuying along 3 months,
1000passages of walkers in that place, one equip of Oxford university shows
that the taking risks for interesting the favors of one partner is one foce
line of male comportement, for evoluation.
Smiling in
the ear.
One smile,
can be seen, but can be heard also. At a point that one can repair ear, in
one speaking person,what kind of smiles animating the face, that still cached
in eyes of one listening. For approving that, one researcher of Portsmouth university,
in Royaunme-Uni, interview one group of voluntaries on what the like to do in
summer. The interview is filmed a little futile, a little embarrassant, for
provoking the smiles on one tells. 4 kinds of smiles can then be
selectionned, that Duchenne(moi in the back, small pommes and
eyes, rides), real and sincere expression of happiness, on author of
studying. Then the sound is soumised in ear of one test group showed capable
to say who smile and commentary.
The black
material in all the longer
The discouvery
the bigest structures in black material never observed gives the new index on
the general organization of Universal.
With near 270
millions of year of light of longer, the biggest structures of black material
known are put on the day by the international equip of astronomes. One form,
if it don’t take the sciences, push limites of observable and proved
efficacity of technics used here: lentile gravitionnally weak.
One know that
from the works of Albert Einstein: the material influence the light. In particularily,
the light of far galaxies can be curved by the black material situated on its
traject, this mean of nature known that ones detect only by gravitational
effects. Photo is very deformed. This deformation,m known under the name of
weak gravitational lentile, and infimed but make possible to the localization
of black material. A lot of big programs of observation, Canada-France-Hawai
telescope legacy survey(CFHTLS) or cosmos, with the spcial telescopeHubble,
using then let this material to capting photo of one very big number of
galaxies. Due to Megacam, the biggest camera CCD of the world installed on
the telescope Canada-France-Hawai, 19astronomes implicated in the CFHTLS
programs the observed next to 2 millions of galaxies in 3 regions of sky. Analysis
statistic of photos, take a lot of years, then open the presence of
phenomenaof weak gravitational lentile, attributed to the black material.
Results: Sombre structures of 270 milliopns of years of light of longer.
“never biger than observed but it exists probably more imposant, indicating
Martin Kilbinger of Institut of astrophysic of Paris, member of equip. Almost
important for us to prove that this method can helop us on the Universel
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