Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 8, 2013


- Besides of studying in foreign trade university, I worked for the French investment consulting Company-DELPAH corp-investment feasibilities studies, reports, interpretation, accounting for partners of Bidiphar pharmaceuticals, VietBac animal medicament production from 1994-1999.
- From 1995, translation corporator for BEST services
- In 1994, translation for water treatment company in TanBinh district,Bac Hai area.
- In 1999, Vietfood Vietnam food association, statistics of production, rice exportation of food, fertilizer exporting company members, translating
- In 2000, translating news for Sport, Talent, Saigon Liberation newspaper
- Translating of medical documents, doing procedures to send Vietnamese patients to Singapore to treat high tech, in 2003, for Singapore General Hospital (
- Song Hai Long construction company’s construction book translation for the East-West highway project in 2004
- export executive for Golden seafood in 2004,2007,translating seafood magazines, do the export procedures,finding shipment vessels,contacting banks, customer companies.
- Interpretation for Good Morning Vietnam restaurant in 2004
- Translating technical docs, manual, handbook of production line, 1-8color printing machinery,exhibition of machineries in hochiminh city for Chinese Haojue corp., Shanghai machineries in 2005
- Translation of boat,kayak making methods for Ancient Modern handicraft company
-Translation works about biology: illnesses of chickens, pigs, domestic animals,cows, written by American university, documents in international conference about venetary,biology in 2007.
-Translation of electric,electronic,information technology, art, music books,medicine books:ICG,aspirine,evolution of pregnancy, les religions de Muslim, Christian religions, romans: Man and boy, The stonor of eagles, the decline and recession of the Japanese empire, the plain of passages, the American comic stories, Chinese theater, Mr.Nice, The English Patient, the rivet head, small girl in the garden, system of mobile, wireless, history of chemical,history of espace, setting the movie
- Translation of buying letters,emails,faxes of importing exporting products from company members, company Tien Phong, 
- Translation medical manual, correspondence for Vygon medical services and commerce
- Translation work for Philippino Timbermate glue, filler, sanding sealer company in Hochiminh city international handicraft and furniture exhibition
- Translation of books in English, French: my history Hillary Rodham Clinton, virus in information technology, prostate in male illnesses, famous short stories about men, lonely planet book about Malaysia, California, Singapore, the world in one day written by Olivier rolin, Bill Clinton, Globalisation, Duras the mix root woman, life of Pi, the basis grain, internet, system management
- Translation for Quoc Do Guardian company about the security plan, contract with Nhon Trach II thermology electronic factory.
- Translation of dialogs of a VCD about English learning
- Translation of the MIT thesis abstract, abstract of the project made by A.T.Patera, GSHP,NCN, LBNL 314E paper of California, about reduced basis methods for nanodevices simulation, Miri Chung Hua HPC computer chralúmni
- Translation of French books: “network of mobiles and wireless network” written by Al Agha pujolle vivier: architecture of mobile network,composants, proprieties of mobiles network, proprieties of mobiles network, core network,commutation of circuits, the transfer of packs,relay of trames, ATM, commutation of cell, signalization SS7, core network IP, cel;l system of European origin, GSM, GPRS,EDGE,UMTS, system 3G, IS95, IS41,CDMA2000 system, private wireless network, IEEE802.11,Hyperlan, IEEE802.11a, homeRF, diffuse network, Digital video broadcasting, control mobility by IP,satellite system, service 2G,3G, network of future, system 4G,numerical communication  system technics.
- Translation of French book translated from “Schrodinger rabbits,quantum universal
- Translation of French book essay “when Chineses change the world” written by Grasset Bernard edition, Erik Zraelewicz about Chinese development from the third world to the first one, becoming old in generation, the rushing of paysans to the cities to find works because of mechanization, globalization, a lot of Chineses in MIT, choosing of market planification
-Translation of the book “effet of serre” biology,meteology, “Cerveau radiology pocket” French book of Amirsys, 100 principal diagnostics, written by M.D.Osborn blaser, salzman, “history of code secret” written by Simon singh, JC Patter from Egypte of Pharaons to quantum computer.
-Translation of “balance of power” written by Jack Peterson, Leisure books-New York city-Dorchester publishing 1984 about power competition in USA, movie, advertisement areas.
-Translation of book “Dom Nakrancu Swiata” written by Micheal Cunningham Przetvzyta Maya Chonkieng, autor bestsellerowych Godzin 2004,TyTulyroku, a home at the end of the world, salamandra, copyright 1990.
-Translation writtings CSE 2009 meetings of laboratories, universities’s computer science technologies researchers, in USA, France, Japan, Germany,Sweden, India.
-Translation of French book “Merveillous first numbers written by Jean Paul Delahaye, Uni of sciences, tech of Lille, travel to the heart of arithmetics, belin edition:first contacts to the first, math, world, brief history of first numbers, formula of first numbers, rariefaction of first numbers, ecart, from the first number primilarty , factorization, cryptography, 1000 first numbers, webs.
-Translation of book “structure and function of computers and theories of languages, written by Jean Luc Stehle, Pierre Hochard of Paris center school in 1989- introduction about information, history of informatics+ evolution of tech, description functional of one computer condification of informatics programmation in code machine, assembling, problems posed on expression in code machine, enter sortie, generalities on the systems of explication languages, grammar, automaties, polonary, code.
-Translation of book “plants” written by Jean Henri Fabre, lessons to sons on botanics, privation edition poly, tree individual vegetation longevity, organs elementary, 3 embro of vegetal reign, structure of dicotyledone tige, lign couch ecorces, monocotyledon tige, racine, bourgery, leaves, deep chemicals, respirations especes, flowers perianthes pollen, flowers, insects, grain.
-Translation of book “matlabs simulation, stateflow with exercices of resolution automatics tech edition, written by director scientific of Lille central school Pierre Borne Maurice Rivine, Jean Louis Ferrier.
-Translation of book “simulation on arena written by Kelton Sadowski Sturrock , fourth edition of Mc Graw hill international: what is simulation, modeling, how simulations get done, when simulations are used, fundamental simulation concepts, analysis options, pieces of a simulation model, event-driven hand simulation, event and process oriented simulation, random in simulation, exploring the arena window, browsing through an existing model 3-1, building model 3-1, case study
- Translation of the LBNL, a parallel second order adaptive mesh algorithm for incompressible flows in Porous media : contract DE-AC02-05CH11231 10april2008: single grid algorithm, study of the computer component production numerical complexity, computer hardware, CPU, computer management, error for computation calculation.
- Translation of French book: “medicine of environment about the environment affecting in the health of human beings.
- Translation of French book “ notebook of an Indian Srinivas about the love, life”.
- Translation of French book “ web TV”: tech of making show, slides, TV, radio, in web.
- Translation of the French book “ japan”: society, marriage, culture, work, study, geography, environment, history, new trend, contribution to the growing of the world.
- Translation of the writings of master thesis of SMA, Singapore massachusette alliance.
- Translation of French book: Micheal Bruneau Asian between India and China about spaces, geography, ethno-geography, mountainous paces of high earth to national territory, Asiatic mediteranean transborder paces, logic of cohesion, fragmentation, metropolization,megapolisation, balkanization of angles south east Asia and Europe.
- Translation of French book “Thinking about Europe, what economic social model for Europe, written in 7/2008: model of development European toward a future in the globalisation, mechanism of collective division of risks, what social dimension for the politic European project, how to preserve this model.
- Translation of the French book “Japan profile of one country”: regions and cities, international relations, national defense, principal composants of government, faune and flore, emperor, tax, big factories, commerce, industries, science, environment, education, transport, mass media, religion, costume, arts, architecture.
- Translation of the French book: “the inattended maths” written by Jean Paul Delahaye, “history of world, earth, history of world contemporain, magazine of science, express.
- Translation of French magazine: science and future:special car, science no Dec 2008 big bang, computer t AND, the birth of the univers, French book “ computer and network”, “medicine and biology” written by Michel Delsol, Louis F.Perrin, “the inventors” written by Daniel Boorstin.
- Translation of French magazine : science : Hawking, power, black holes, nu singularities, tubercolose, French books: electronics and microscopes, to the nanosciences, written by Peter Hawkes, CNRS editions, The light, written by Bernard Maitte, editions of Seuil, contemporary sociology, written by Jean Pierre Durand, Robert Weil, Vigot editions.
- Translation of French books: sciences in questions, experience and the model, written by Jean-Marie Legay, Inra editions, from the egg to the eternity, the sens of evolution, written by Vincent Fleury, Microscope: electronic microscopes, the research magazine:economics when the reason brings on the logic, written by Christian Schmidt, astronomy, espace of XXI siecle will be privated, culture on the diversity of the chenes, for the science: does darken energy weaken?, science andfuture magazine: special intelligence, 8 forms written by Pr Gardner of Harvard, how to stimulate it, belong to 30 neurobiologists, QI: 3 supplementary points all the 10 years, major discovery, the superneurons in the human cerfs, new scenario for the original of the univers, with the launching to Kourou the satellites Herschel and Planck.
- Translation of French book: new encyclopedy of relative and absolute knowledges written by Bernard Werber.
- Translation of French book: the complexity, vertigeousness et promises, 18 histories of sciences, written by REda Benkirane, Edgar Morin, Ilya Prigogine, Francisco Varela, Poche , le pommier edition: complexity, which is textured together, the end of the certaineousness, fusionnary of bits and atomes, from the life in silico, emergency and social insects, artificial, evolutionary and ascending intelligence, bio-logic or all what could be, autopoiesy and emergency, toward one qualitative science, spirals of auto organization, transition of phases, histories of chaos, hazard, chaos and mathematics, complexity, logiv and hazard, from the science of limits and limits of the science, fractal space time, chaotic inflation of the universe, the sciences approaching us from the singular.
- Translation of French book:  understanding the universe, written by Ludovic Cardon, Remi Cabanac, Jean Audouze, Vulbert edition: material, history of the universe, the universe of today, the artists opf the astronomy, the sunny mecanics, one philosophical world.
- Translation of the French book: domesticalize the serre effect, energy and durable development, written by Francis Meunier, Dunod edition: cycle of carbonic, the serre effects, the increasing needs in energy and the serre effects, the “ good public” climate, and environment in the continual law, the rational utilization of the energy, the non fossil energy, the carbonics, the extra cost of the war against the serre effects, the thermodynamic of the serre effects, the thermodynamic cycles for the electrical production, cogeneration, combustion, total energy, thermo-frigopompes, canicule and the hotness in the planet, units and unitlized notations.
- Translation of French magazine: for the science, May 2009, no 379, 381: how to save the abeilles, the formation of the embryon, Eintein and the quantum physics, the plasma motors, play games, meteoritic crateries, floraison.
- Translation of documents about event “Lotte mart 2” bid
- Translation of technical and sales documents about washing hand paper
- Translation of HACCP plan for Diep Long seafood export company for soft shell crabs
- Translation of biology documents about working methods in lab.
- Translation of the English biology about the working methods in the lab
- Translation of the French science-future magazine: quantum
- Translation of Deutschland magazine: connect with the scientic world, networks for the researches.
- Translation of French magazine: alternative economics: crisis of free exchange and the protectionist trends, popular bank, amer desire, crisis, recession, jobless, where to go out
- Translation of French books: Korea, and Koreans
- Translation of French monthly literature review
- Translation of French magazine: le monde 2-the world 2, no 260.
- Translation of French book: strategic year: analysis of international works: economics, diplomatics,strategics, Etudiant, Iris edition.
- Translation of French book: continuation of Big Bang, written by John Gribbin, Champs Flammarion edition.
- Translation of French book: IFRI institute, 2006, 60 years after the war,  one world in recomposition, Dunod edition.
- Translation of French magazine: international questions, no 39: Sweden , European Union, Internet, dialog of civilizations and cultural diversity, OBAMA presidence, cinema of James Gray.
- Translation English-Vietnamese, Vietnamese-English, for one American- ex solder of American army in the Vietnamese war.
- Translation of website
-  Translation of introduction letter, documents of introduction of Truvox products of Vinalinksgroup.
- Translation of tech writtings of Dr. George Pau,,
- Translation for the Heap Heng Leong malaysia, in the exhibition of VIFA about leather,wood 10-14March 2010
- Translation in the ILDEX exhibition about eggs, milk, agriculture, veterinian medicaments, 25-27 March 2010.
- Translation  swisszerland website about the Swiss business, investment, Swiss economic delegation, forum Vietnam investment, how the company function through 3phases, responsibilities, organisation scheme.
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Malaysian web:, about the white cements for buildings, art works, construction, social works
- Translation English-Vietnamese of ebook: Kotler, corporate models better marketing plans
- Translation English-Vietnamese of ebook: Finance-MBA in finance
- Translation English-Vietnamese of engineering science and technology BE.010 spring 2005
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Forest Stewardship law
- Translation English-Vietnamese of FSC 2005 law
- Translation English-Vietnamese of BE.010 spring 2005 engineering biology to do chemistry
- Translation English-Vietnamese of BE.010 spring 2005 bioengineering at MIT
- Translation English-Vietnamese of 6voldman.pdf: Voldman: mircrotechnology to measure and manipulate cells, Fujimoto: laser technology, its application to biomedical optical imaging, Wyatt: vision reasearch, Grodzinsky:cartilate tissue engineering
- Translation English-Vietnamese of BE.010 spring 2005 session 8 notes: bioengineering research in chemical engineering
- Translation English-Vietnamese of BE.010 spring 2005 session 9 notes: bioengineering opportunities in civil and environmental engineering
- Translation English-Vietnamese of BE.010 spring 2005 session 10 notes: bioengineering applications in computer science
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Forest stewarship council international center: membership application FSC A.C.
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Application of technology: abstract of Henrik Scheller of the Joint bioenergy institute (JBEI)
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Alibaba term- ecommerce web
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Cwille ford cockfighter roman
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Doctorate thesis about ecdysteroid hormones
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Doctorate thesis about ecdysone receptor
- Translation English-Vietnamese of ecological recycle LDPE
- Translation English-Vietnamese of contract for the detail store chain on the Oy street and Kesko food
- Translation English-Vietnamese of master in sciences and technologies of livings: aliments and bioproducts,speciality: chemical pharmaceutical: research and development
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Shuttle history-Cohen
- Translation English-Vietnamese of furniture wood engineering for Forest Swtewardship council certificate
- Translation English-Vietnamese of general conditions for Forest Stewarship council certificate june 1,2001
- Translation English-Vietnamese of general conditions for customised audit services for Forest Stewarship council certificate
- Translation English-Vietnamese of general conditions for fumigation and pest control services for Forest stewarship council certificate
- Translation Enlgish-Vietnamese of Security accessment services for Forest Stewarship council certificate
- Translation English-Vietnamese of general conditions of services for Forest stewarship council certificate
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Forest Stewarship council ballot 2008 for the election of new members of FSC board of directors
- Translation English-Vietnamese of roman of James Ellroy
- Translation English-Vietnamese of MIT lecture-systems engineering –flight control by Christopher Kreaft(NACA/NASA 1945 to 1982)
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Engineering design and rapid prototyping: instructor Prof.Olivier de Weck, teaching Anas Alfaris
- Translation English-Vietnamese of MITSet overview for climbers
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Engineering design and rapid prototyping: computer aided design(CAD), instructor Prof. Olivier de Weck, jan 2007
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Engineering design and rapid prototyping: structural design optimization
- Translation English-Vietnamese of the Chandra program about fundamental scientific discoveries and understanding of the universe through rigorous anakysis and distribution of unique scientific data.
- Translation English-Vietnamese of LBL –Lawrence Berkley laboratory -available technology materials
- Translation English-Vietnamese of the visual and oculomotor systems, Peter H.Schiller, 2006: on and off channels
- Translation English-Vietnamese of the visual and oculomotor systems, Peter H Schiller, 2006: the Midgets and Parasol channels
- Translation English-Vietnamese of research topics in Neuroscience, Peter H Schiller: color vision and adaptation
- Translation English-Vietnamese of research topics in neuroscience: depth perception
- Translation English-Vietnamese of research topics in neuroscience: visual prosthetics
- Translation English-Vietnamese of the neural control of eye movements
- Translation English-Vietnamese of review about the visual and oculomotor systems
- Translation English-Vietnamese of logsdn lec notes writen by Dr. George E. Mueller, associate administrator for manned space flight natinal aeronautics and space administration, aug 1968
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Shuttle orbiter, remote manipulator system
- Translation English-Vietnamese of university library about mathematics
- Translation English-Vietnamese of vision and audition, medical course 9.04, Peter H Schiller and Chris Brown, 2006, introduction, vision and audition
- Translation English-Vietnamese of the design and development orbiter structure and thermal protection system(TPS)
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Shuttle origin, the makings of new program by Dale Myers
- Translation French-Vietnamese of master in science and technology of livings: integrative and physiology biology.
- Translation French-Vietnamese of master in science and technology of livings, economic and social sciences, speciality: agro-alimentary industrial organisation
- Translation English-Vietnamese about Peninsula Malaysia.
- Translation English-Vietnamese Singapore-Massachusette project abstracts 2001-2002, AMM&NS program, of master in science and technology
- Translation Vietnamese-English MISA accountant software
- Translation English-Vietnamese of roman TH.Hannibal
- Translation English-Vietnamese about LPDE-HPDE
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Demystified books collection
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “Imagine”journal of the socialist party of Canada 2005
- Translation English-Vietnamese of electronics books collection
- Translation English-Vietnamese of 35 electrical and electronics engineering books
- Translation English-Vietnamese of A voz de Portugal- de Marco 2009
- Translation English-Vietnamese of a first lab in circuits and elctronics
- Translation English-Vietnamese of My Germany – A Jewish writer returns to the world, his parents escaped
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Travel guide
- Translation English-Vietnamese of a peek at computer electronics- things you should know
- Translation English-Vietnamese of a short history of Japan from Samourai to Sony
- Translation English-Vietnamese about India
- Translation English-Vietnamese of abuse in Australia ebook roland hui ebooks 304
- Translation English-Vietnamese of AC DC- back in back (1980)(2008japananese)
AC DC highway to hell(1979)(2008 Japanese)
- Translation English-Vietnamese of affiliate program-today’s marketing ebook
- Translation English-Vietnamese of all electrical and electronics Engineering ebooks
- Translation English-Vietnamese of AMACOM
- Translation English-Vietnamese of an introduction to systems science(J.war field, world 2006)
- Translation English-Vietnamese of analog electronics
- Translation English-Vietnamese of anthropology
- Translation English-Vietnamese of ashish stuff
- Translation English-Vietnamese about Australia
- Translation English-Vietnamese about Australia – oxford education
- Translation English-Vietnamese about Australia ebook moritz-handsen
- Translation English-Vietnamese of australia for dummies
- Translation English-Vietnamese of automobile US-Canada(april2009)
- Translation English-Vietnamese of bad ideologies torrent
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Beach house-teen dream-2010
- Translation English-Vietnamese of bibli tysiaclecia
- Translation English-Vietnamese of black IBM and the holocaust
- Translation English-Vietnamese of blitzkrieg 01-Poland and scandinavia
- Translation English-Vietnamese of blitzkrieg02-France, Holland
- Translation French-Vietnamese of Blumchen Isaac- A nous la France
- Translation English-Vietnamese of CUP books 2
- Translation English-Vietnamese of electronics ebook
- Translation English-Vietnamese of medicine today 2000 to the present
- Translation English-Vietnamese of nano and molecular electronics
- Translation English-Vietnamese of organic electronics in sensors
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill
- Translation English-Vietnamese of the PC today april 2010
- Translation English-Vietnamese of the PC today february 2010
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Penthouse Germany
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Penthouse germany-february
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Physics today jan 2009
- Translation English-Vietnamese of power electronics handbook
- Translation English-Vietnamese of practical electronics for inventors
- Translation English-Vietnamese of primal fear
- Translation English-Vietnamese of understanding automotive electronics
- Translation English-Vietnamese of Yoshitaka Amano-about Japan
- Translation English-Vietnamese of philosophy books
- Translation English-Vietnamese of electronics book March 2009
- Translation English-Vietnamese of the economicst newspaper Oct 17
- Translation English-Vietnamese of the economist newspaper Oct 24-30
- Translation English-Vietnamese of electronics book for your projects and ideas 2000
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of the plant world book
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of the real story of Dhirubhai Ambani-Indian book
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of third world media-teem Thailand 2
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “today is Monday”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “top 20 science fiction books”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of TTC-great scientific ideas that changed the world”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of Buddhism and socio economic life of India”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Cathie-the energy grid-harmonic 695”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “device-electronics for integration”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “easy Japanese-Japan,my love English textbook”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “ecstasy-the complete guide Holland”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Edward Luce- in spite of God- the strange rise”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of electricity, electronic books for HVAC
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “medecine today 2000 to the present”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “nano,molecular electronics handbook”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of narcotic anonymous literature collection”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “national building code of India”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “newlook France 2009”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of organic electronics materials, processing devices application”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “other philosophy papers”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “outdoor Canada-March April 2010”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “PC today April 2010”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “PC today Feb 2010”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “PC today March 2010-Penthouse Germany”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “philosophy books Feb 2010”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “general interest books”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese ofgermany 2007-2008”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Graffiti-japan”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “great science textbooks DVD”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of Harvard-business e-articles”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “humain stemcell theraphy”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Hustler Finland Jan 2005”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “IB exams”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Iel nino-confession”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Japan style”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Jim rogers”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Johan-Galtung”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Julia child”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “CUP books 2”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “David Icke-the biggest secret”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Demon Haunted world”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Demistified books collection”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Dwell”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “ebook collection new”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “electrical,electronics engineering”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “electronics ebook”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “electronics for your projects”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “electronics projects for Dummies”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “ENCYCLOPEDIA of India”
 - Translation  English-Vietnamese of “esperanto(speciala libraro)
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “everyday practical electronics”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of fly fishing with oliver Edward
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Frommer travel guides”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “garmin_norway_too”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “gate architecture India 2010”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “a peek at computer”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Cambridge history of Japan”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “AC-DC highway”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Canada and its provinces”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Carl Sagan-7 ebooks”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Yakusa Japan’s criminal underworld”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “resume of Dr Manmohan Singh(PM of India”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “New zealand travel travel guide”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Modern Japan VSI”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Nightmare Japan”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “new electronics-March 2009”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Japan to 1600”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Modern Japan 4th ed”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “India year book 2009”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Japan”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “India 2020 a vision for the new millenium Icet”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Hoggan-the forced war-when peaceful revision fail”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Frommer’s Australia 2009”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “ world socialist review magazine-latin america”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “the late great USA-the coming merger with Mexico”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “the economist May 2, 2009”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Socialist party of Canada-Imagine magazine winter 20…”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “religion and floklore of Northern India”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of Polyester prince-the real story of Dhirubhai Ambani”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “occult science in India”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “PC world power guides”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Misc tesla-scaler waves”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “national building code of India”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “lonely planet-India”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Julia child-my life in France”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Johan_galtung_the decline”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Jerome R.corsi-the late great USA”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “the intellectual property rights in the digital economy”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Ian Allan”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “IB exams”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Hustler Finland jan 2005”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “human stemcell theraphy cancer research”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Harvard business earticle”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “history and philosophy of science”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “FHM germany 01-2008”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Great science textbooks library 2007-supplement five”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Rivals: China, India,Japan” Penguin book
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “newsweek,the economist, time newspapers”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “international business” of Mc Graw hill book
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “secret of amazon” Mc Graw hill book
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “a start-up with your own ebusiness entrepreneur” Mc Graw hill book
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “great science textbooks DVD library 2007”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “germs,genes,civilization”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “designing mobile autonomous robots”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “Crc press resource handbook of electronics”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “polyester prince-the real story of Dhirubhai Ambani”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “PC world power guider”
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “organic electronics in sensors and biotechnology
- Translation  English-Vietnamese of “occult science in India”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “national building code of India”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “MISCtesla-scaler waves”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “lonely planet-India”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “John Wetton Nomansland”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “Jerome R-Corsi-the late great USA”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of intellectual property rights in the digital economy”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “Germany’s secret weapons-in world war II-Roger Ford”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “Australia 2009-Frommer’s- by Lee Atkinson, Ron Crittall, Marc Lhewellyn Lee Mylne-Wiley Publishing Inc”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “world socialist review, prisonners of capital No 19”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “world socialist review,journal of the world socialist movement in the US, no 21
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “world socialist review,journal of the world socialist movement in the US, no 20
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “the late great USA- the coming merger with Mexico”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “socialist standard-April 2007”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “socialist party of Canada”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “science professtionals-master’s education for a competitive…”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “robert adams filder”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “religion and folklore of northern India”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “Japan’s colonialisation of Korea”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “India yearbook 2009”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “India today also: the best business schools Beijing olympics by Malestrom 8 sep08”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “India 2020-a vision for the new millenium”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “India 2008-a reference annual piblications division-ministry of information and broadcasting-government of India”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “the forced war-when peaceful revision failed-David L.Hoggan 1961-global engineering economics 4th edit.”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “the electrical power of later today magniwork- a prolonged kept secret for generating no cost energy”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “physics world-how physics is changing biology”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “nightmare Japan contemporary Japanese horror cinema-Jay Mc Ro
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “new zealand travel guide”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “new electronics march 10/2009”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “modern Japan- a very short introduction Christopher Goto Jones.Oxford”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “modern Japan- a historical survey fourth edition Mikiso Hane-Lonis G.Perez
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “machinery 2007 plastic,packaging, printing industry equipment for the emerging markets”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “A&S asia 70 sep/oct 2009 the leading buyer’s guide for security professionals”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “Sweden is the most racist country”
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “machinery packaging and food-Ap-packaging and food machinery suppliers of Taiwan and China, Aug 2009.
- Translation English-Vietnamese of “BFT concrete plant and precast technology betonwerk and fertigteil-technik 11/2009
- Translation English-Vietnamese “rivals: China,India,Japan…”-Penguin book
- Translation English-Vietnamese “target-continuous process of renovation”- Eligahu M.Golddratt
- Translation Vietnamese-English “the renovation of commercial policies” – Youth edition
- Translation Vietnamese-English “culture in the integration period”- Youth edition
- Translation Vietnamese-English “one point of view: globalized economics” – written by Phạm Vũ Lửa Hạ-Youth edition
- Translation Vietnamese-English “resolution for the challenges in the WTO’s integration”- Phạm Dung Từ, Đan Phi THịnh- Youth edition
- Translation Vietnamese-English “globalisation”-written by Nguyen Van Nam-Youth edition
- Translation Vietnamese-English “Study to be rich in the WTO’s integration” –Bùi Văn Mỹ-Youth edition
- Translation Vietnamese-English “Yukichi Fukuzawa: business spirit of the modern Japan” written by Nozia Tamaki-Youth edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “the world is flat”- a brief history of the twenty first century-written by Thomas L.Friedman
- Translation English-Vietnamese “No logo”- Naomi Klein
- Translation English-Vietnamese “ real rich persons- Farrah Gray Fran Harris
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Spiral” written by Suzuki Koji
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Sushi for beginners”- Penguin Books- written by Marian Keyes.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Bridget Jones’s diary- Helen Fielding
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The edge of reason” – Helen Fielding
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Lexus car and Olive tree”- Thomas L.Friedman-Anchor book
- Translation English-Vietnamese “South of the border, west of the sun”, Vintage book, translated by Philip Gabriel- written by Kotona Suzuki, edited by Kodansha bunko
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Underground”
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world”
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Collection of Japan litterature from beginning to mid ninteenth century: Nara,Heian, Kamakura, Muromachi, Azuchi Momoyama, Edo literature”
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Behind the suspected X” –written by Jigashino Keigo
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Dark water” written by Suzuki Koji, publicised by Kadokawa Shoten
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Living by day”- the exotic bestseller of Benjamin Prufer
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Being burn diedly” – Souad
- Translation English-Vietnamese “new moon” Stephenie Meyer
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Norwaygian forest” written by Jaruki Murakami
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The dream of my father” Barack Obama
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Rich dad,poor dad”
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The new trend of the American society nowadays”
- Translation Vietnamese-English “café with the famous persons”
- Translation Vietnamese-English “interview the famous persons”
- Translation Vietnamese-English “the realities about the famous persons” Duong Thuy
- Translation English-Vietnamese “My life” Bill clinton
- Translation English-Vietnamese book written by Hillary Clinton
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Sputnik lover” written by Haruki Murakami
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Kidding of fingers” written by Yamada Amy
- Translation English-Vietnamese “That eye is still on the bed” written by Yamada Amy
- Translation English-Vietnamese “backbone of Jesse” written by Yamada Amy
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Professor and the math formular” written by Yoko oyawa
- Translation English-Vietnamese “task test” written by Ryu Murakami
- Translation English-Vietnamese “the night before the new year eve” written by Ryu Murakami
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Inside Steve’s brain”-Vander Kaliney- portfolio edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Inside Drucker’s brain”- Jeffrey A.Krunes-author the welch
- Translation English-Vietnamese “struggles for success Singapore”-Marshall edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The extreme future-the top trends that will reshape the world in the next 20 years”-Plume-Penguin group
- Translation English-Vietnamese “1000 CEOs-proven strategies for success from the world’s smartest executives”- Dorking Kindersley
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Princess Masako-prisoner of chrysanthynum” –Jurome Ben Hills-Tacher’s Penguin
- Translation English-Vietnamese “What is so good about having the vote?”- Dendraking wallsDemocratic kills Hump John Pryekke Hawusley- Marshall edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “the world a biddes dangers to our global economy” – David M.smick-portfolio edition- the mortgage
- Translation English-Vietnamese “child development”-11th edition – Santrocli.Mc Graw hill edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “genealogy-how to do everything with your genealogy”- Mc graw hill edition-Osborne
- Translation English-Vietnamese “marketing to the ultimate power consumer-the baby booner woman”- Mary Brown.Carol Osborn, Ph.D Amncom.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “the living world.Johnson 4th edition. Mc graw hill
- Translation English-Vietnamese “global edge”-Krutzman.Yago.Havard business school press edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “operation china hexter”.Woetzel.Havard business school press edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “world spatial metadata standards”- Moellering editor. Aalders orame-Elsevier edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Introduction to Cambodia” –Jacob oxford edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “East central europe in the modern world. The politics of the borderlands from pre to post communism” –Stanfordedi.Jowos.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “the leadershuo advantage”- Robert M.Fulmer.Jared L.Bleak. Amacom eidtion
- Translation English-Vietnamese “ Body intelligence”- Edward Abramson. Mc graw hill edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “critical issues in ecotourism” edited by James Higham. Bitedi
- Translation English-Vietnamese “3rd edition communicating with cedibility and confidence”. Thomson Advantave.Gay Lumsden.Donald Lumsder. Thomson Wadsworth edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Economics and information systems” edited by Terrence Hendeshott.series editor: Andrew B.Whinston.Elsevier edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Return on investment basics.ASTD press”-Patricia Pullian Phillips. Jack J.Phillips.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “interpersonal communication” Sarah Trenholm.Arthur Jensen.Wadsworth edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “specifiers-minialist approaches” edited by David Adger. Susan Pintzuk. Bernadette Plunkelt. George Tsoulas. Oxford linguistics edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “introduction to microbiology”- a case history approach.3rd edition John L.Ingraham.Catherine A.Ingraham.Thomson brooks/Cole edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Human biology” 10th edition. Sylvia S Mader. Mc graw hill edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Foundations in micrology”. Kathleen Park Talaro. Mc graw hill edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “life” 6th edition. Lewis. Parker. Gaffin.Hoefnagels. Mc graw hill eidtion
- Translation English-Vietnamese “how to sell anything on amaron and make a fortune” Bellomo Elad. Mc graw hill edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “introduction to american policing”.Darl H.Champion. Sr.Michael K.Hoper.Glencoe graw hill edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “leadership development basics”-Karen Lawson. ASTD press edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “principales of contemporary marketing”-Kurtz.Thompson South western edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “moving into the future”-national standard education edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “children moving”-George Graham. Shirley Ann Holt/Hale.Melisa Parker. Mcgraw hill international edition.7th edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “prescription for nutritional healing. The A to 2 guide to supplements”-Phyllis A.Balch, CNC. Avery edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Managing cultural differences, global leadership stragies for the 21st century”-Robert J.Moran.Phillip R.Harris. Sarah V.Moran. 7thedition.BH elsevier edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “essentials of life.Span development”-John W.Santrock. Mc graw hill international edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “management” 8th edition. Stephen P.Robbins. Mary coulter. Pearson. Prenticehall edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “freedom from oil. How the next president can end the united states oil addiction”-David Sandalow. Mc graw hill international edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “internet security. Acceleration(ISA) server 2000 Blland Radiff microsoft press edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “the connect effect”. Dulworth.Lerett Kohler edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The legend of Freud”Weber. Focal press edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Children of Cambodia’s killing fields” Dith Pran. Silkworm books edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Laos and the tribes of Indochina”. F.J.Harmand. White lotus edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “minorities of the sino Vietnamese borderland with special reference to Thai tribes”-Maurico Abadie. White lotus edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “the early years”- Ken Ung. Dixie Tan.Victor Tai. Longman childhood crisis. Navreet. DPH edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “passion the blasé within” Low. Lim.Lim. Pearson prentice hall
- Translation English-Vietnamese “capitalizing on being woman owned” –Janet W. Christy.Career press edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “contemporary economics”- Mc Eachem. 2nd edition. Thomson South western edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Fresh flavours of India” –Bas Sreedharan. Octopus edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “high speed network internet performance. Qualtiy of service” -2nd edition. William Siallinos.Phipe edition. 
- Translation English-Vietnamese “sociology in a changing world”-William Kornblum. 8th edition. Thompson edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “China’ semerging new economy” Nah Wong. Singapore university press edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “VS and Them. What the americans think of the British. What the British think of the American”. Pane Davis.Lawrence King edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “live from Jorlan”. Benjamin Orbach. Amacom edition.Orbach edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “history of Indian national movement”-R.K Sharma. Somali edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “the international handbook of competition”. EE edition., edited by Manfred Newmann and Jurgen Weigand.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “How to multiply your child’s intellligence”-Lwin.Khoo.Lyen.Sim.Prentice hall edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “challenges facing the Singapore education. Controlling common unicabled seas. Understanding public health” –Norman Noah London school of hygien. Tropical medecine edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The soloist”, New York times bestseller.Steve Lopez.Berkley edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The fire”. Katherine Neville. New York times bestseller. Ballantine books edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The Friday night knitting club”.Kate Jabolos. Number 1 New york times bestseller Berkley edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The double bind”. Chris Bohjalian national bestseller.Vintage edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The lost daughters at China”.Karin Kvans national bestseller. Tarcher Penguin edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “When the boys are away, the girls will play”.Sarah Webb.Pan edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Dark fire”.C.J.Sansom. Pan edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Housewife in love”. Alison Penton Harper. Pan edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Forgotten”.Les cummings.Pan edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Marchingpowder”. Rusty young. Pan edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Gomorrah”. Italy’s  other mafia.Roberto Sarrano. Pan edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Watch the skies” Daniel X:Ned rust. Number 1 New york times bestseller. Grand Central publishing.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “This lullaby”.Sarah Dessen. New york times best selling author. Speak edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Zen omnibus”. Micheal Dibdin. FF edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “ Skinny legs and all”. Tom Robbins. New york times bestselling author. A Bankan trade paperback edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “ A house in Bali”. Colin McPhee. Periplus classics edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Bed of roses”.Nora roberts. Number 1 New york times bestselling author. Berkley edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “One true theory love”. Laura Fitzgerald national bestselling author of Veil of rose. New American library edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Night as well laught about it now”. Maria osmond. New york bestselling authors. New american library edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Time traps”. New york times bestseller.Todd duncan. Nelson business edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “ Stabilizing an unstable economy” Hyman P.minsky. Forework by Henry Kaufman.Mc Graw Hill edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Leadership in the era of economic uncertainty”.Ram Charan.Bestselling coauthor of execution.Mc Grawhill edition
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Developing the leaders around you”. John C.Maxwell. New york times bestseller author of the 21 irrefutable Lawas of leadership. Nelson business edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Falling off the edge”. Globalisation world peace and other lies. Alex Perry.MacMilan edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The management gurus”.Lessons from the best management books of all time. Chris Lauer. Portfolio edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Common wealth economics for a crowded planet”. Jeffreay D. spachs.Penguin edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The brain that changes itself”. Norman Doidge. M.D.Penguin edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “ A look for people who want to become stinking rich but aren’t quite sure”. Benrik edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Super networking for sales pros”. Michael salmon. Advantage quest edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Around the world in 80 trades”. Conor noodman. McccMilan edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “59 seconds. Think a little change a lot”. Professor Richard wiseman. Author of quirkology. Macmilan edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The elephant whisperer. Learning about life, loylty and freedom from a remarkable herd of elephants”. Sidgwick and Jackson edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Novel alexander Mc call smith the world according to Bertie”. Anchor edition. The new 44 outland street.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “False economy. A surprising economic history of the workd alan beattie”. Alan Beattie. Penguin edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Youth in revolt”.C.d.payne. The journals of Nick Twisp. Broadway edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “blog schmog”. Robert W.bly” The truth about what blogs can and can’t do for your business. Nelson business edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “The X and Y of buy”. Elizabeth Pace. Nelsonfree edition.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Eathleen rex amother, her autistic”. Lewis child. The music that transformed their lifes.
- Translation Frech-Vietnamese of one commercial letter for the company of seafood exportation.
- Translation English-Vietnamese of informations of Golden Bees commercial company
- Translation English-Vietnamese “yahoo 1,2”-Le Minh Hoang translation
- Translation English-Vietnamese “JSCi comp..pdf”, analysis of the “toolkit” method for the time-dependent Schrodinger equation
- Translation English-Vietnamese “guide for using of internet 1,2” Nguyen Truong Sinh translation
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Singapore-Massachusetts Institute of technology alliance project abstract 2001/2002”
- Translation English-Vietnamese “hack internet OS and security”- Vi Dinh Cuong, Phuong Lan translation.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Method of spam and prevention of spam 1,2”, Vu Dinh Cuong translation
- Translation English-Vietnamese “google 1,2”-Le Minh Hoang translation
- Translation English-Vietnamese “password research and information security recorvery method” Vu Dinh Cuong, Phuong Lan translation
- Translation English-Vietnamese “firewall-computer protection-security method of seaching web”- Vu Dinh Cuong,Phuong Lan translation.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Use guide and internet exploration for the beginners” – Tran Van Thang translation
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Methods, secrets for using internet” – Do Manh Dung translation.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Share video, youtube on internet”- Le Minh Hoang translation.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “Wireless-system exploration”- Tu Thanh Hai, Phuong Lan translation.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “important information protection method and entrance discovery method”- Vi Dinh Cuong,Phuong Lan translation.
- Translation English-Vietnamese “mobile internet technology integration method-IP”- Tran Quang Huy translation.

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